Thirteen Abs Workouts to Give You the Look You Want

Exercises for the abs are an essential component of any fitness regimen because life may be very difficult on the elderly stomach. If you’re like most women, you wish you had a firm, flat tummy, but having children, not having enough time to work out, and eating that extra chocolate cake slice aren’t helping your situation. It is still feasible to achieve the desired abs in spite of this. Make sure to perform each abs exercise for 12 reps or more, at least twice a week, with a day off in between. You can combine these ab workouts to build a regimen that you will look forward to.

1 crunch

Crunches, ah. Crunches are arguably the most popular exercise for your abs. This is where I briefly display my knowledge. Crunches are excellent for strengthening the muscles in your stomach, but to reap the full benefits, combine them with other exercises. Lying on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground is how you perform a crunch. Your hands should be behind your head. As you slowly drop your upper body toward your knees, maintain a straight neck and back. To complete a crunch, return to the starting point.

2 trunk rotations

The best approach to tone the muscles around your waist and achieve a nipped-in appearance that accentuates your amazing silhouette is to rotate your body. Sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent and your heels on the floor to perform the exercise. With both hands, hold a medicine ball or kettlebell at roughly chest height. Move your torso in a rightward, middleward, leftward, and backward motion. I’m confident you’ll be able to sense this one!

3 Schemes

Making planks is really simple. I enjoy testing my endurance while watching TV. You’ll quickly notice that your abs are more defined if you challenge yourself to beat your previous time! With your legs extended and your elbows at shoulder level, prop your torso up on your forearms and toes. It will appear as though you are about to perform a pushup. Just hold onto the plank for a minimum of thirty seconds at a time.


Indeed, sitting still can help you achieve terrific abs. It must, however, be on a stability ball. Your abdominal muscles are worked whenever you have to rely on your balance to avoid falling. Therefore, when you work or color with the youngsters, take a seat on a stability ball. When performing flyes and chest presses, you can also utilize a stability ball in place of a weight bench. Your abs will thank you profusely for the additional balance required to prevent falling.

5 squares

No, squats benefit more than just your lower body. Your muscles in your stomach are also used as you elevate and lower your body. To perform the exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lower your body to the floor like you would sit in a chair, but stop when your knees are 90 degrees from the floor. To complete one squat, hold the position for a brief moment before moving back to the beginning position.

6 Inch Worms

You won’t even realize that you’re exercising because inchworms are so much fun. Bend at the waist and place your hands on the ground a few feet in front of you while standing with your feet a few inches apart. Once you’re in a push-up position, walk your hands out. Once you’re back in the starting position, continue walking forward with your legs. One rep was completed there!


This exercise is excellent for your abs because it calls for balance. Simply place your hands at your sides and stand with your feet around hip-width apart to perform a single leg stand. After 15 seconds of holding one knee up toward your chest, switch to the other leg and repeat the motion.


It’s time to include windshield wiper leg motion in your workout regimen if you’re committed to working hard on your core till it becomes steel abs! Simply lay on your back, put your legs at a 90-degree angle like a table, and stretch your arms at your sides to start. Then, with your back flat against the mat, start sliding your legs left to right and right to left, just like windshield wipers frequently do.

9 bicycle crunches

The bicycle crunch is definitely one of the best exercises for your abs. It really works your oblique muscles, lower abs, and upper abs all in one set of motions. You must first lie on the floor with your back pressed to the floor in order to perform perfect bicycle crunches. Raise your shoulder blades off the ground, bend your knees to your chest, and place your hands behind your head. The good stuff now requires you to bring your left leg in, straighten your right leg, move your torso to the left, and contact your right elbow with your left knee. For optimal effects, you then switch and repeat the workout.


The side plank is a little more difficult and consequently stronger than the regular plank, but it’s still a wonderful ab workout. To maintain your stability, you need to employ your entire core to maintain your body’s equilibrium. To perform a side plank, start on your left side with your legs stacked on top of one another and your elbow under your shoulder. With your right hand on your hip, raise your entire body off the ground, and then balance yourself to create a diagonal line. Tuck your stomach in and hold this position for 30 to 50 seconds. As the position gets easier, extend the holding period.

11 Rolling Ups

This roll-up exercise will assist you in getting rid of body rolls that are not supposed to be there if you feel like your lower abs could use a little toning. Simply stretch your legs together, raise your arms above your head, and lie on your back. Taking a deep breath, slowly raise your upper body off the ground until your fingertips touch your toes. Feel the burn after 12 repetitions of this movement!

12 Mountain Pine

Not only does mountain climbing work your abs, but it also works your back, legs, and upper arm muscles. First, mountain climbers should prepare themselves for a push-up. Verify that your body is straight and in line. Bend your right leg to your chest to start the exercise, then straighten it again to start the same way with your left leg. As you proceed, quicken the pace and watch out that your hips don’t drop!


Even with the best of intentions, it is difficult to tone your stomach without also strengthening the rest of your body. Therefore, include an aerobic workout to really melt that additional fat tissue off your body for the best and fastest outcomes! Running works incredibly well for toning your legs, burning fat, and gaining muscle!

While these exercises are great for shaping and toning your middle, they won’t burn off as much belly fat as cardio will. To burn calories, combine these movements with workouts that raise your heart rate.